Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's early June and the weather is great in Turkey! not too hot, not too cold. Best time to travel!

When it comes to Turkey, you will find this city is overloaded with histories! I heard some Gods and Goddess stories from my local guide, Murvan and it feels like listening to a storytale.. pretty interesting.. :)

So, I start the day with Blue Mosque, followed by Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sophia. These places collect gold, weapons, dresses, antique clocks, medals, and many more things from the Sultans before as it was the primary residence of the Ottoman Sultans. Too bad, I'm not a really big fan of museum things, so I just see a glimpse of it.. :P What I remember most is about the Sultan itself. They said one sultan could have up to 1,000 concubines! Imagine that....... -__-"

After that, taking Bosphorus Cruise is A MUST. Why? Because for about one hour, you can be in the middle of Asia and Europe, enjoying your time with such a superb views of Istanbul! Btw, it is very chilly and windy on the boat.. Don't forget to bring your coat!

Go ahead, I go to the Grand Bazaar. Be careful, watch out your pockets, and do not get cheated! There is no guarantee for all expensive things you bought here. Also, do not get lostttt! This place is very hugeee... If you wanna buy some souvenirs for your fams, friends, or whoever, just try to compare the price first with 1 or 2 other shops. Some things that you should buy when you're in Turkey are Turkish Delight, Turkish Coffee, Pistachio, Hazelnut, Blue Eyes, Ceramics, Olive Oil, and yes, Turkish Carpet if you have pretty much money in your pocket. :)

Xox, J


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